Ed Halmagyi
Website Ed Halmagyi

Ed Halmagyi

Better Homes and Gardens

Ed Halmagyi affectionately known as ‘Fast Ed’ is the resident cooking presenter on Network 7’s award-winning Better Homes and Gardens.

Ed is one Australia’s best-loved TV chefs and food authors, entertaining and informing Australians with achievable, time-conscious, family-friendly cooking. For over ten years Ed has appeared on television and radio, in newspapers, magazines and books.

Best-known as the cooking presenter on Network 7’s award-winning Better Homes and Gardens, he transforms elegant restaurant cuisine into the recipes that anyone can prepare at home. Ed’s motto is simple, ‘when you do less, the ingredients can do more!’.

Professionally, Ed has more than twenty years’ experience cooking in some of the world’s best restaurants, both in Australia and overseas, including London’s famous Le Gavroche and Sydney’s iconic Rockpool. His chef’s insider tips and tricks for creating great meals can also be found in any of his best-selling books: Nove Cucina, Dinner in 10, An Hour’s the Limit, The Food Clock and The Everyday Kitchen.

It’s in Ed’s passion for bakery that you’ll find his philosophy of food: cookery is a process of transformation where simple, yet perfect flavours become unforgettable meals. For Ed, it’s all about ‘great food, made easy!’

Ed undertakes significant charity work with Bear Cottage, Community Greening Australia, Cancer Council Australia and the Dry July Foundation. He is a keen gardener, fisherman, swimmer and long-distance runner who is the proud father of two beautiful kids (and an irascible dog). He lives near the beach on Sydney’s Bilgola Plateau.


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