Mark Bunn
Website Mark Bunn

Mark Bunn

Health & Personal Performance

Mark Bunn is one of Australasia’s leading experts on health and personal performance. He understands the difficulties facing workers and organisations today. More importantly, through his unique blend of modern science, the secrets of the world’s healthiest, longest-living people and fascinating Eastern health insights (Ayurveda), he provides a refreshing change to the typical conference health speaker (calories this, ‘get some exercise’ that!), and delivers down-to-earth, user-friendly solutions audiences love.  

After an inglorious career as an AFL footballer (he says not to worry, he can string two words together!), Mark’s life was changed forever while working for an aid group in Sth East Asia. Visiting remote villages he witnessed how people who were as poor as poor and had never heard of good fats, antioxidants or sleep apps … were remarkably … HAPPY! This inspired him to research the Eastern traditions of health. However, it was the traumatic passing of his wife to stress-related breast cancer that turned his world upside down. It also gave him a deep empathy for people facing health challenges and motivated him to find answers to people’s common health challenges.  

The result has seen Mark become one of the most booked health and wellness speakers and his book ‘Ancient Wisdom for Modern Health’ being published in seven countries and becoming one of the most popular Australian health books in the last five years (Three-times best-seller).   

Mark is most well-known for fun-filled education on how things like happiness, loving relationships, work enjoyment, and a sense of community or team are far more important for our health than whether we drink green smoothies, activate our almonds or have a firm butt!  

His extensive studies into the productivity and time management strategies of the world’s most successful businesspeople also enables Mark to help people achieve the ultimate goal – to do a great job contributing to their organisation’s success … while still having a happy personal life.  


Due to the high demands of his busy writing and speaking schedule, Mark has also developed a number of online home study programs including videos and online tools to help audience members continue to improve their health and performance well after his sessions. He is also trained teacher of TM Meditation, supports the Beyond Blue national depression initiative, and the ‘Look Good Feel Better’ Program for Cancer Patients, and lives in Sydney … unfortunately without his dog Felix. Felix filed for divorce, after Mark accidentally left him out in the rain one night!  

With his background in professional sport (AFL football) Mark has always had great results with male audiences. However, one of the key reasons for his popularity today is his special rapport with female audiences. The passing of his wife to cancer and his passion for natural, mind-body health approaches has giving him a great empathy for women’s health (helping them look after themselves first) and a unique understanding of what can most help them. Mark is now often specifically booked for corporate groups with a healthy mix of women and groups such as teachers, nurses and carers.


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