Mike Rolls
Mike Rolls
Motivational Speaker, Author, Athlete, Amputee
Mike Rolls is a leading authority in resilience.
Mike’s extensive lived experience through adversity began at age 18 when he survived a deadly bout of Meningococcal Septicemia, which resulted in severe internal and external injuries, including multiple amputations. Given just a 5% chance of survival, Mike defied the odds, spending six months in the hospital and facing years of recovery. This life-changing event marked the start of an unexpected journey toward helping individuals and businesses manage their own challenges with greater efficiency and effectiveness.
His message, “Why Me? To What’s Next?” is a simple yet effective philosophy that underpins his work. A no-nonsense, practical approach that’s designed to help individuals tap into and unlock greater levels of resilience in both their personal and professional lives.
Mike has a background in the health industry. He is a qualified Counsellor, a highly skilled communicator and a passionate supporter of amputee charity, Limbs 4 Life. He is an ambassador of Interplast Australia and New Zealand, Cobra Puma Golf, Ossur Australia, and has represented Australia in All Abilities Golf.
Corporate Speaking
Mike helps businesses elevate the mental health, well-being and resilience of their people. His unique approach combines masterful storytelling with doses of dark humour and extensive research to capture audiences’ attention. This foundation makes complex ideas accessible, unlocking resilience in the most valuable part of any business—its people.
Conventional thinking and programs yield conventional results. Mike’s keynote Presentations & Workshops challenge audiences to consider alternative ways of thinking and behaving with clarity and insight, offering new perspectives and practical takeaways that can be applied in both personal and professional contexts.
Topics include:
“Unlocking Resilience: Transforming Challenges Into Opportunities”
A resilient team is a happier, more productive team. Mike will deliver tangible, easy to implement strategies that will allow your team to unlock and tap into their true levels of resilience – whatever tomorrow brings.
What you’ll learn:
- The critical need for “Capacity” before “Carrying On” – Understanding the value of putting yourself first.
- How to increase focus and clarity – A practical formula that shifts thinking, feeling and behaving toward high value habits
- The power of “Momentum” – Why abandoning the search for “Motivation” will transform the way we perform as individuals and teams
“Ditch the Dead Weight: Uncovering Why Less, Really is More”
What worked yesterday might not be enough today. Mike demonstrates the immense power of Ditching the Dead Wight in a raw, real, and relatable way. This keynote empowers teams to identify and address obstacles that hinder their progress, encouraging them to let go of what’s holding them back and embrace a new set of tools for success.
What you’ll learn:
- Identifying Hidden Obstacles:Recognising and facing up to outdated methods and practices that are no longer effective.
- The Art of Strong Decision Making: Explore the 3 critical areas of effective decision making – Clarity of Purpose, Critical Thinking, and Emotional Intelligence.
- How to Embrace Change:Strategies for letting go of ineffective habits and adapting to new ways of thinking and behaving.
This keynote is designed to inspire and equip your team with the mindset and skills needed to ask high-value questions and make informed decisions, enabling them to navigate the ever-evolving landscape of business and life.
Shift – “From Why Me? to What’s Next?”
Each day brings new challenges, both minor or major. Choosing the right mindset is crucial for successfully navigating change. Mike explores the four specific stages of the change process and highlights the benefits of adopting a “What’s Next” mindset for individuals, teams, and organizations.
What You’ll Learn:
- The Big 4:Unpack the key stages of the change process and discover how to accelerate through them.
- High-Value, High-Stakes Questions:Learn to ask impactful questions that foster a culture of resilience.
- Building Adaptive Skills:Develop the ability to adapt swiftly to new situations and uncertainties.
In this keynote, Mike provides valuable insights that help us navigate daily challenges with a proactive mindset. Designed to empower your team with a future focussed, forward thinking, adaptable mindset.