Scott Pape OAM
Website Scott Pape

Scott Pape OAM

The Barefoot Investor

Scott Pape ‘The Barefoot Investor’ has been heralded as the Jamie Oliver of finance. Sir Richard Branson probably said it best when he stated, ‘The Barefoot Investor makes finance fun’. It is Scott’s unique ability to combine his knowledge, experience and infectious humour to achieve what most people thought was impossible –to carve a niche in the financial market targeted at younger generations.

Scott is a successful stockbroker, media commentator and author. Formerly an investment advisor with one of Melbourne’s leading finance firms EL & C Baillieu, Scott made headlines in 2004 with the publication of his first book ‘The Barefoot Investor: Five Steps to Financial Freedom’, which was an overwhelming success. The book has since been printed in the UK, Holland and India and in 2007 a revised and updated version was released in Australia.

In 2016, his book ‘The Barefoot Investor: The Only Money Guide You;ll Ever Need’ became the second bestselling Australian book in history. His next book ‘The Barefoot Investor for Families – The only kids’ money guide you’ll ever need’ in 2018 was another bestseller.

With regular appearances on shows such as A Current Affair, Sunrise, Mornings with Kerri-Anne, Good Morning Australia and the Today Show, Scott’s profile continues to rise. Scott, a.k.a. ‘Barefoot’, is Triple M’s ‘Money Guy’, providing expert finance advice. Scott also writes a weekly financial column for News Limited papers in all Capital Cities.

Scott uses his exceptional ability to tap into the psyche of younger generations to deliver streetwise strategies to people who simply ‘don’t do’ finance. He understands the pressures faced by young people on a day-to-day basis and the extremely competitive economic environment in which they are surrounded. He understands that having a degree is by no means a ticket to a successful career and financial happiness and when giving advice he, in his own words “keeps it real”. His skill in communicating so effectively with Generations X and Y helping Scott to fast track his way to becoming an Australian household name.



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