Stevan Premutico
Website Stevan Premutico

Stevan Premutico

Dimmi and me&u

Stevan Premutico is the founder of me&u, the founder of Dimmi and one of Australia’s leading tech entrepreneurs.

In 2007, in the middle of the GFC he conceptualised Dimmi Online Restaurant Reservations on the back of a napkin and went on to revolutionise the Aussie restaurant industry. In 2015, his startup was acquired by one of the great tech businesses of our time, TripAdvisor.

On the tin, Dimmi was the perfect textbook start-up story – started in a garage, ran out of money, took on the big Goliath, won the battle, sold to a tech darling. But the true story is one of grit, passion and a true entrepreneurial spirit to make a dent in the world.

Stevan is an entrepreneur, a passionate tech investor, sits on the board of a couple of disruptive Aussie start-ups and strongly believes that the world (and our businesses) would be in a better place if we all acted a bit more like founders and a bit less like CEO’s. He believes that life’s short and that we should do stuff that we love and stuff that makes a difference.

Now, Stevan is back with me&u, which is set to change the way we order & pay. In December 2019, Merivale’s Justin Hemmes & Tyro threw their weight behind me&u leading an $8 million Series B funding round. Good Food has referred to me&u as the “hot new thing” and believes the mobile technology will change the way we order and pay due to touchless trends and social distancing rules. Hundreds of venues have already joined the movement including Merivale, Solotel, Rockpool, The Portsea Hotel and The Opera Bar.

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