Adrian Baillargeon
Adrian Baillargeon

Adrian Baillargeon

Leadership Team Peformance Expert

Teams That Swear author Adrian Baillargeon is a leadership team performance specialist obsessed with helping leaders win the games that matter most to them. Highly regarded as a speaker who creates a strong connection with his audience, he has shared his insights with audiences from Saskatoon to Sydney, Adelaide to Austin and Melbourne to Montreal.

Apart from his Canadian accent, what sets Adrian apart is his understanding of what it’s like to be in your audience’s shoes. Life-changing leadership, transformative teamwork and phenomenal performance do not happen by accident. That’s why choosing Adrian to support your ambitions will inspire your group to achieve the results they aspire to – and deserve. 

Combining his 20+ years of corporate experience across Canada and Australia with his unique experiences as an Envoy Coach for Major League Baseball International in Cameroon and Tunisia, Adrian benefits leaders in marketing, sales, strategy, and joint venture management. He has been involved with transformations, mergers, downsizing, and expansion and has received state, national, and global awards. 

Clients rave about Adrian’s ability to shift their mindset and rewire their brains in an inspiring and easy-to-implement manner. He is renowned for his relatable, practical and enthusiastic approach and for using a mix of examples, stories and theory to inspire his audience to action and new ways of thinking. In addition, many leaders gift their teams copies of his book, a valuable post-event resource that cements the acquired knowledge.

Adrian’s thought leadership has been featured in Fast Company, The Australian, CEO World and ABC radio, further cementing him as one of the leading voices in leadership team performance. 

Speaker Topics include:

  •  Resilience and Performance
  • Teamwork & Collaboration
  • Executive and leadership teamwork
  • Leading Change
  • Hybrid Work


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