Matt Church

Matt Church
Founder International Thought Leaders movement
Matt Church is one of only eight speakers inducted into the Australian Speaker Hall of Fame and he has also recently been named one of the top ten motivational speakers in the world.
Matt is an instigator, motivator, disrupter, teacher, researcher, innovator and leader. What sets him apart from the field of speakers is the profound impact he has on an audience. He acts as a catalyst inspiring people to create real change. He is without a doubt one of the top professional conference speakers.
His special gift is his ability to reach into the audience, capture their attention, build their trust and kick start a process of change. People leave his sessions entertained, informed and inspired. Rarely does someone simply return to “business as usual” after seeing a Matt Church presentation. Matt’s topic list is diverse with something to suit any audience.
Founder of the International Thought Leaders movement, he is a leadership expert with over 15 books published on the topic. A deep conviction that leadership is a decision not a position he suggests that human-centred leadership requires us all to be operating above the line, from a place of awareness, as much as possible.
For over twenty years, Matt has run his own thought leadership practice, spreading his message of amplified leadership to businesses and individuals as a speaker, author, and mentor. Along the way, he has developed a series of tools and frameworks to help others enhance their own thought leadership practices.
He created an incredible process for developing unique and groundbreaking intellectual property which works in almost any field of human endeavour, and identified the six key delivery modes a thought leader must exploit to maximise the commercial value of that IP.
He’s helped people create commercially successful thought leadership practices in fields as diverse as leadership, motivation, innovation, sales, management, marketing, engagement, culture, productivity, women’s development, charity creation, implementation, risk, real estate, insurance, stockbroking, accounting, pharmacy, family planning, personal development… truly, the list goes on.
If you’ve got an idea you need to share with the world, if you need help to make the difference you were born to make, Matt and the Thought Leaders Business School team can dramatically expand your capacity to make an impact.